

In Dutch, the labia are called ‘schaamlippen’, which in literal translation means ‘shame lips’. Join us to use the shame-free term ‘vulvalippen’.

I'm in ..

And from now on, I will use the word 'vulvalippen'  🖤
Fijn dat je ook mee gaat doen!
Deel deze actie en praat er met anderen over zodat we de term  vulvalippen – en het belang ervan – zo breed mogelijk kunnen uitdragen!
Oeps! Er iets iets foutgegaan. Controleer alle velden en probeer het nogmaals!
Why do we actually use words with 'shame' when referring to parts of our body?
In The Netherland, from a young age, we have been taught to use words that tell us that we shouldn't really talk about it: schaamhaar ("shame hair" = pubic hair), schaambeen ("shame bone" = pubic bone), schaamstreek ("shame area" = pubic area), schaamlippen ("shame lips" = labia). This use of language can have a negative impact on how we view our bodies and the bodies of others. Why should we feel shame about something that is completely natural?

It's time that we take better care of ourselves 💕
It's time for new language!


Because we have to start somewhere, we start here. Everyone has pubic hair, a pubic bone, and a pubic area. Only half of us have labia – or 'shame lips' as they are referred to in the Dutch language – which adds to a disproportionately large amount of trouble due to the taboo on talking about this. We are going to change that from now on!

Tweet van Ellen Laan “Misschien moeten we het daarom hebben over vulvalippen. Een anatomisch correcte benaming. "We hebben het ook niet over schaamballen. Wie helpt mee deze nieuwe naam te pushen?” - 8 september, 2021
Ellen Laan - Professor of Sexology
“Maybe that's why we should talk about ‘vulvalippen’ an anatomically correct name. We're not talking about shame balls either. Who will help push this new name?”
Our goal

Inclusion in the Dikke Van Dale

By massively using the term "vulvalippen' from now on – when we talk, but also when we write –, we want to let the editors of the Dikke Van Dale know that we are done with the negative term 'schaamlippen'.

The more the new, more pleasant term is used, the greater the chance that the word will officially find its way into the most famous dictionary of the Dutch language.

Quote Malu Bound

Join us

Language evolves and is constantly in motion. The words we use should not hold us back, but rather propel us forward. A language should align with how our society and culture continue to develop.

Often this happens naturally, sometimes with a little push.
Together, we can do this! 💞💪





Een maatschappelijk initiatief van
Logo Pleasure Society
Logo The Oh Collective
Logo The Vulva Gallery
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door The Social Code Foundation
Met steun van creatievelingen Eva van Kesteren, Claudia Teng, Nilo Attahi, and Serab Levent

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